Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Second Set of Plane Scenes

And earlier today, we filmed our second set of plane scenes. You may remember our first set of plane scenes for a 1947 flashback which we filmed back in September. This second set of plane scenes were for a 1978 flashback.

We filmed out at the Vancouver International Airport today. The Barn Scenes may have been our overall most expensive set of scenes, at just over $3,000 (including reshoots), however, these plane scenes were our by hour most expensive scenes at $125 per hour. Thankfully, we only filmed for 4 hours, and thus these scenes weren't all that expensive (compared to the barn scenes).

This is yet another God story. I began looking for planes to film in all the way back in March of 2008. No one would let us film, and the ones who seemed interested never called back or returned messages. So, after we finished filming in the summer, I began pursuing these scenes once again.

A good friend of mine gave me the number for his friend who works at a small airline. I called him and he passed me along to another guy. By then, all personal connection was lost, and he was simply going to charge me the "normal filming rate". This would have been $225 per hour for a very small 2 pilot, 3 passenger plane used for scouting forest fires.

Convinced that I could find a better plane at less cost, I continued looking. One guy even said we could use his plane for 4 hours for $2,000. We decided against that. It was either overpriced, or someone was a little arrogant.

Then, I came across a small airline which services Vancouver, Victoria, and Tofino. They were very helpful, had an 8 passenger plane, and much lower rate for filming ... in fact it wasn't even a set "filming rate", it was just the cost for us to hold one of their planes in their hanger for the day.

So, this morning, John (the writer) and I left around 10:30 AM and headed to the Vancouver Airport. We were stuck in traffic the ENTIRE way there. We arrived by 12:30 PM, 1 hour longer than it usually takes, and 30 minutes late. We were scheduled to be there at 12:00 PM. Our actors were scheduled to be there at 12:30 PM.

We had four Kiwi actors (actors from New Zealand) cast for the part. Two of them canceled last minute, but the other two still planned on coming. So, we could probably pull it off.

By 1:30 PM, I had already gotten everything setup and already took a few shots which didn't require actors. The airline even let us go up in their simulator and they gave us a pilot to intentionally crash the simulator so that we could get the shots we needed. However, by 1:30 PM, our two actors still weren't there.

So, in the middle of a busy hanger, John and I decided to pray. Shortly after, I got a text message from one of the actors, she said she'd be there in a few minutes. She was running late as she had taken public transit and we were at a part of the airport which has very limited transit access. When she arrived, we were still short actors. We realized that the remaining actor probably wasn't going to show up.

But, God provided... John said he'd be willing to be in the scene if he needed to. So the airline employees brought us a couple uniforms for him to try on. They were both too small though. So, the airline then called one of their own pilots and asked him to come be in the scene. Then, one of the managers of the airline offered to be in the scene as well.

We were able to film the scene with one actor (who just came to Vancouver from New Zealand a few weeks ago) and two airline employees. It turned out great! The airline and all of their employees were very helpful, very friendly, and great people to work with. A number of other amazing things happened that day as well which God had definately orchastrated in advance, but I won't get into all of those at this time.

Thanks for reading! Be sure to watch for more updates for The Scarf.


Friday, October 24, 2008

Barn Scene Reshoots

August 4 and 5 we shot our Barn Scenes ... the most expensive (overall) set of scenes for The Scarf. We began setting up on the afternoon of Sunday, August 3 and finished filming by 3:00 AM on Wednesday, August 6. Later in the day on August 6, after getting a few hours of sleep and returning rental equipment, we cleaned up.

However, we had a number of "small issues" arise while filming the barn scenes. Some of the shots didn't quite work out very well. After filming on August 4, we changed a few things for the August 5 shoots. When we realized that the equipment that we had wasn't adequete enough to create the effects we needed to create live, we decided to film it in a way which would allow for us to add the effects later in post.

After editing for a couple months and realizing that adding the effects in post would look really "fake", even if we were able to hire a semi-professional visual effects artist (as the better ones would be way out of our budget), we decided to reshoot a couple of the barn scenes as well as a plethora of barn shots.

These reshoots took place yesterday afternoon and well into early this morning. After picking up rental equipment from Burnaby, BC and dry ice from Vancouver, BC, I headed over to the barn in Maple Ridge and began to setup around 11:00 AM. Some of our crew arrived shortly after. Things were working out well.

This time, we rented a better lift with 4 wheel drive, better traction control, and gas powered rather than battery powered. This was a huge improvement from the "warehouse quality" lift we had rented the first time. I was able to accomplish in 30 minutes the same amount of setup which took us 6 to 7 hours using a lift that kept getting stuck in the saw dust floor of the barn.

Everything was going great. At 11:00 PM, we were ready for our second to last shot of the night. So I drove the lift out to the side of the barn in order to shine a light in through the window. Then it got stuck. The lift got stuck in mud on a slope and then died. It wouldn't start.

At this point, only three people were there. Mikaela (Krista), John (the writer), and me (everything else). We all walked away for a minute. Mikaela was quite cold, so she went and sat in the car with the heat on and worship music pumping out the speakers.

John and I each prayed to God while we were off doing other things. Then we came back and decided to give the lift a try. It didn't work. So John left to go get some gasoline, maybe it had run out (we couldn't tell as the gauges were unreadable). After 20 minutes, John returned with gas, we put it in and tried to start it. Nothing.

John and I once again went off different directions for a few minutes (to rest, to plan shots, to pray) and then returned and tried again. Nothing happened. So we left it again. We came back a few minutes later. This time, we decided to pray together for the lift. After praying, I hopped up on the lift having faith that it would work. I tried to start it and....Nothing.

I tried to start it again. Nothing. We prayed, and I tried to start it again. It started! But we were still stuck! I switch into high throttle to give me some extra power and....it died. So I started it again, and this time, I kept it in low throttle for a few minutes before I felt it was able to handle high power.

Then, we still had to get the lift out. We tried anything and everything you could imagine. One wheel from the lift was stuck in a 6" deep hole in the mud. A second wheel was stuck in about a 4" deep hole. We tried rocking it back and forth, we tried adding ground in front of and behind the tires, we tried lifting up the lift on it's hydrolic levelers and then filling in the holes, we tried pulling the lift with a van, we tried lifting it up again and placing boards under the tires....nothing worked. We continued praying and kept trying things. Finally, one tire got half-way out of the hole. So we lifted up the lift, stuck some boards down, and drove out of the holes.

After two hours of insanity, cold weather, hard work, praying, (and I guess we were technically fasting too, as neither of us had anything to eat during those two hours), the lift was finally unstuck. By the way, the entire time that the lift was on, it was beeping to let us know it was unlevel, as we were on a slope.

So, the lift was unstuck, we moved it around to the other side of the barn to use those windows, got setup....and the police arrived. It was now 1:30 AM and please received a call about an alarm. We said we didn't hear any other alarms, but our lift has been beeping for 2 hours since it was unlevel and stuck on a slope. The police officer was very nice, came inside and watched us for a little bit and then left.

We filmed the last two shots, packed up, and left. By 3:00 AM, we were leaving the barn, made a stop at Tim Horton's for some late-night chili, and headed home.

Again, God helped us through. In all, these reshoots cost us an additional $1,000 in equipment rentals, dry ice, and location fees. This is an expense that we didn't have budgeted, but we saved hundreds of dollars in many other areas during filming, and through that, God also made the money issue work out as well.

Friday, September 19, 2008

First Set of Plane Shoots and New Blog

Welcome to the new blog for The Scarf. I'm the Director, Kyle Lawrence, and I'll be keeping you personally informed as to the status of this film.

Principle Photography was wrapped in August of 2008, leaving only a handful of scenes (out of 214) to be filmed along with a few additional shots.

This week we filmed our first set of plane scenes in Concrete, WA. We have two sets of plane scenes for two different flashbacks in the film.

God Story: A few months ago, I began looking for a plane to use for this scene. The scene is a flashback to 1947 when a pilot by the name of Kenneth Arnold was flying his plane. I wasn't sure what type of plane Kenneth Arnold was flying, but I figured that the majority of our audience wouldn't know what kind of plane Kenneth Arnold was flying either. So, any plane from the 1940 era would do.

I hopped on the FAA's online directory of plane registrations, searched for planes from that era in Washington State (as we're filming in British Columbia, Canada and Washington State would be just a short drive). I found four or five planes and sent the owners personalized letters.

In the middle of principle photography (mid-July), I received a phone call from one man in response to the letter I had sent out seeking a plane. For the sake of privacy, we'll call this man Bob. The conversation was a little odd though: Bob told me that the man I sent the letter to had passed away back in February, but that man's wife passed the letter along to him because he bought the plane. I said, "Ok?" Then Bob continued and said that the plane that I was asking about is completely taken apart right now, as it is being restored. I replied with "Ok", beginning to wonder where this conversation was going. Bob continued, and said, "But the reason this caught my attention was because you mentioned something in your letter about Kenneth Arnold." I said "yes", and began to tell him a little about the scene. And Bob replied, "Well I have Kenneth Arnold's actual plane in my museum."

I was stunned. So, I went down to Concrete, WA to take a look at it, and we decided to film. He let us film there at no charge. They were all very nice and helpful. This is yet another example of how God continues to provide for this film.