Principle Photography was wrapped in August of 2008, leaving only a handful of scenes (out of 214) to be filmed along with a few additional shots.
This week we filmed our first set of plane scenes in Concrete, WA. We have two sets of plane scenes for two different flashbacks in the film.
God Story: A few months ago, I began looking for a plane to use for this scene. The scene is a flashback to 1947 when a pilot by the name of Kenneth Arnold was flying his plane. I wasn't sure what type of plane Kenneth Arnold was flying, but I figured that the majority of our audience wouldn't know what kind of plane Kenneth Arnold was flying either. So, any plane from the 1940 era would do.
I hopped on the FAA's online directory of plane registrations, searched for planes from that era in Washington State (as we're filming in British Columbia, Canada and Washington State would be just a short drive). I found four or five planes and sent the owners personalized letters.
In the middle of principle photography (mid-July), I received a phone call from one man in response to the letter I had sent out seeking a plane. For the sake of privacy, we'll call this man Bob. The conversation was a little odd though: Bob told me that the man I sent the letter to had passed away back in February, but that man's wife passed the letter along to him because he bought the plane. I said, "Ok?" Then Bob continued and said that the plane that I was asking about is completely taken apart right now, as it is being restored. I replied with "Ok", beginning to wonder where this conversation was going. Bob continued, and said, "But the reason this caught my attention was because you mentioned something in your letter about Kenneth Arnold." I said "yes", and began to tell him a little about the scene. And Bob replied, "Well I have Kenneth Arnold's actual plane in my museum."
I was stunned. So, I went down to Concrete, WA to take a look at it, and we decided to film. He let us film there at no charge. They were all very nice and helpful. This is yet another example of how God continues to provide for this film.
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